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 Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.

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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan - 14:37

Quel petit nom adorable :D Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 3051967168 :star:
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan - 20:27

Tous mes liens sont ajoutés Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2176505670 Faut pas hésiter si quelqu'un en veut encore!
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Hope P. McNelly
Hope P. McNelly
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 304

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 18:54

    Ca va pu, nous faut un lien la ! :star:
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 19:15

Ooooh mais oui han

Je vais lire la fiche d'Hope, et je te tiens au courant, d'accord?
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Hope P. McNelly
Hope P. McNelly
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 304

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 19:26

    Ca roule ! ohh
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 19:28

Alors niveau points communs, ils auraient la passion de la musique, et le fait qu'ils n'ont pas connu leur père. Faudrait voir un truc autour de ça.

Au pire des cas, le groupe de Meth et Kyan cherche d'autres membres... ohh
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Hope P. McNelly
Hope P. McNelly
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 304

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 23:11

    Ouais ça peut être pas mal, du coup ils se comprennent assez sur ça !

    Oh bah oui, je suis toute là rien que pour vous ! ange
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 19:09

Je veux être ton n'ami !
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 19:18

Vu que Meth est une petite boule de négativité -enfin, pas tout le temps non plus- je sens que ça va être marrant. Déjà une idée de comment ils se seraient rencontrés? (oui j'aime tout organiser dans mes liens, mon côté maniaque bree van de kamp)
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 19:29

Sous un arc-en-ciel ? *sort*

T'es étudiant, donc on peut estimer que Zeke t'as fait tomber de la bouffe pendant que tu mangeais ?
Et puis il va chercher à se racheter, et suivre Meth toute la journée comme un petit chien, ou le stalker sur FB.

(Bonjour, Zeke est normal, je te le promets) Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 3051967168
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 19:32

Yep, effectivement Meth est étudiant, même s'il est très rarement à l'université Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 1881463262 Genre juste pour les examens, en fait. Il prend ses cours par correspondance. Mais j'imagine totalement Zeke en petit cocker. Meth s'y serait forcément attaché.
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 19:54

Enfin, pas cocker de la vie, mais cocker en mode "JE M'EXCUSE, JE SUIS DÉSOLÉ !" Et il te fera les yeux de chien qui font bien. Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 3484979881

Du coup, au pire du pire, ils se rencontrent je sais pas comment, Zeke fait une connerie et se fait pardonner en aidant Meth, ou en lui apportant des cours. Jesaispasquoidutout.

Maybe, Zeke fait exploser la trousse de Meth juste avant en exam, ou lui explose une cartouche d'encre avant un oral.
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 20:14

Awwwww, les yeux de chat potté? ohh Meth ça a beau être un gros dur, ce truc là marche toujours pour lui. Le coup de la cartouche d'encre ça me plaît though.
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 20:18

On fait ça comme ça donc.
T'auras le temps de le mettre en RP, ou je le place comme ça dans les liens ?
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 20:45

Toujours partant pour un RP Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2176505670 J'en ai deux en cours mais je vais y répondre ce soir, donc il n'y a aucun problème.
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 17 Mar - 21:04

Je te ponds ça demain alors Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2176505670
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Abby-Lou "Stitch". Hills
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 171

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSam 6 Avr - 12:58

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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSam 6 Avr - 17:47

miam :arrow:
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Owen P.McFly
Owen P.McFly
just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 7 Avr - 0:04

Moi aussi, je viens gratter un lien.
C'est O-BLI-GE
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 22:35

héhéh fesses Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2763270137 Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2104563482 ohh han miam fouet :eheh: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 703133332 Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2774444739 Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2176505670
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeVen 19 Avr - 21:39

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 2774444739
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E. Matya Caroll
E. Matya Caroll
just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSam 25 Mai - 10:46

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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeDim 26 Mai - 17:56

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 3326919108 Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 3326919108
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Meth A. Northon
Le fabricant d'illusions.
Meth A. Northon
just me myself & i
▲ MESSAGES : 155

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeLun 8 Juil - 22:21

Pardon les chous, j'avais pas vu vos messages, honte à moi. Une petite idée du lien que vous voudriez? ohh 
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just me myself & i

Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.   Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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Meth ∞ If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side.

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